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Zoe Adams's Review

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Zoe Adams is a Canberra Escort provider. Read the full review left by Van de Vries below.


Van de Vries

Apr 10, 2023

A world of sublime adventure awaits! Zoe and I had planned for this date a while and like my usual fortune (or misfortune) the day wasn't going to plan lol. Zoe was very easy going with the change in plans and we started early with breakfast and then a 4 hour hike through some pictueresque trails through the local mountains. The company, the conversation and the views were stunning. Zoe is very fit lady and it showed during the hike..I was the laggard - always asking for a timeout and catching my breath. Kind and caring that she is, Zoe would just laugh and keep checking if I was all right, my knees were coping and if I needed to sit down and take a break. The day kept throwing surprises as our preferred venue for lunch was closed due to staff shortage. So instead we decided to drive and take in some more stunning views before deciding on a lunch place. The food was amazing (maybe we were too hungry lol) and we demolished it. We then retired to our room for some more adventures and boy was it a ride full of firsts. It was magical, sublime - like a maestro creating music. She knows how to lead you to a high, keep you there and then, take you even higher. It was a masterclass! The day was full of amazing conversations, stunning views, magical highs and many firsts. The memories of the day have created a benchmark for a Sunday Funday and these memories will linger and bring smile to my face for a long long time. I can't wait to see her again for our next adventure - Hopefully soon.