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Zoe Adams's Review

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Zoe Adams is a Canberra Escort provider. Read the full review left by C.C. below.



Mar 04, 2023

To spend time with Zoe is to experience a study in contrasts. For me, she is someone to share childlike wonder with as we explored Taronga zoo together. A kind soul holding and squeezing my hand in an anxiety-inducing Uber ride. Someone I felt completely safe to be myself around in almost no time at all, and a confidant I could talk about countless challenging subjects with total psychological safety. She is also a stunning and refined dining companion who wrapped the waitstaff around her finger with poise and charm. Then there is the contrast of exploring the senses with someone you know you are completely safe with, while also feeling completely at their mercy as they cause you to writhe on that narrow edge between ecstasy and torture. I’ve seen her impish grin as she delighted in keeping me suspended there while releasing me the moment I could take no more. It is a memory I will cherish. I can’t wait to make more memories with Zoe in the future when the winds take her to Sydney again. Should you find her in your orbit, I recommend you take advantage of the opportunity.