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Zoe Adams's Review

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Zoe Adams is a Canberra Escort provider. Read the full review left by Anony Mouse below.


Anony Mouse

Mar 02, 2023

I am a rider - I ride motorbikes and I love it. So when I saw that Zoe was learning to ride, I knew I had to get in touch. I haven't come across any provider yet who is a rider too - so that drew me to her.  I was in Canberra for a personal visit when I decided to catch up with Zoe. It was a very long and hot day outside for me and my dog (I travel with my dog). I managed to reach home just 20 min before our appointment and I was feeling a bit tired. When Zoe arrived, she was looking fresh with such positive energy about her that I felt energised. We talked about so many things under the sun and found we had so much in common. She is incredibly soft spoken and polite - Reminded me of how humanity should be really (Need more people around like her).  She is a woman of many talents. She loves animals and is also one of the few people I have met who knows how to interact with giant dogs. That and the fact she is a fellow rides makes for an unreal combo. We had loads of fun chatting - so much that our 3 hr date extended with just so many things to talk about, so many topics to converse. Zoe has a very charming smile and incredibly gorgeous eyes (Try not to be distracted, but if you do - know that you are not alone). oh - And she gives incredible hugs