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Sutton Sommers's Review

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Sutton Sommers is a Sydney Escort provider. Read the full review left by Curly B below.


Curly B

May 09, 2023

It’s hard to know where to begin. Cara’s warmth? Her beauty? Her passion? Her voice? That smile? Her communication in the lead-up? (In this field, it speaks volumes.) Each is - SHE is - exceptional. So, I’ll tackle them in the order in which I encountered them... Her communication: Professional, friendly, punctual, respectful; you immediately sense someone who cares. (And you sense correctly.) Her voice: THE most mellifluous San Franciscan accent. We had cause to speak (she was giving directions to her incall) - I swooned. Her beauty: You (kind of) forget JUST how beautiful Cara is. Until she steps from the lift, or opens the door, at which point you’re reminded as your brain goes “Woah!” She radiates. Kindness, sexiness, friendliness, adventurousness. Capping her beauty is *that* smile, and heightening that smile is her warmth. She is super-super-friendly. Interested, caring, honest, like an instant best friend. Her passion: Oh my goodness. Prepare to have your brain spun with just how real, just how genuine, just how enveloping and blissful every intimate moment is. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen Cara, but each time I have left feeling more wonderful than I could have imagined or ever expected. She is considered and articulate. She oozes intelligence. She is different in the best possible ways. She would be equally in place at a corporate occasion, Dark Mofo, or sharing a pizza. It’s impossible to nominate which is the most tantalising - her mind, her touch or her tongue - luckily you will never have to decide as all three are as ever-present as she is. What a find. In one word: Genuine. In three: Above and beyond.