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Riley Macdonald's Review

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Riley Macdonald is a Brisbane Escort provider. Read the full review left by Rob below.



Feb 21, 2022

After admiring Riley on Twitter for some time finally the stars aligned for me to reach out to connect with her and I am very glad I did. We arranged for her virtual services for the day before and what a fantastic idea that was! It was the perfect build up and really helped set the mood for the more intimate encounter - I couldn’t have been more excited to meet her! Despite that, as always for me, I was a little nervous for the in person meeting. Riley was really kind, understanding and encouraging whenever I got a little tongue tied. Riley was warm, friendly and incredibly easy to talk to and I felt like she really helped me get a little more out of my shell as the session progressed. She has a great sense of humour and an infectious laugh… and somehow I’ve got this far without mentioning how stunning Riley is! But if you are reading this then you’ve already seen her photos and they definitely speak for themselves. As for the more intimate moments, I will try to be brief. The experience from first kiss to leaving the bedroom was affectionate, passionate and sensual while having a playful and a little bit of a cheeky edge. Riley was enthusiastic and attentive and I had an amazing time. If you want to know more, you’ll either have to book Riley yourself or use your imagination but one of those options is way more fun than the other! Would I return? Yes please… I mean, f*** yeah! Riley was lovely and it was an absolute pleasure to meet her. I don’t think the smile has left my face since yesterday and I am sure we’ll see each other again, hopefully soon! Thanks Riley!