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Announcement from Riley Macdonald

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Jul 16, 2024

Book In Advance – Receive $200 Off 2 Hour Bookings

There's only two weeks left on this incentive - be quick!

Book before July 31st and receive $200 off two hour bookings during August.

This is equivalent to my 1.5 hour rate so you essentially receive a complimentary 30 minutes!

Not sure which day during August works yet? Rest assured, an exact booking date doesn't need to be arranged immediately.

In having said that, many of you missed out last time so booking early is essential to secure your preferred timing - leave it till the last week of July and you'll likely miss out!

Please note that only one reschedule will be granted.

I’m eagerly looking forward to meeting new and old faces alike during August and beyond!

Much love, R, xx.