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Katherine Lusso's Review

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Katherine Lusso is a Sydney Escort provider. Read the full review left by Tony below.



Jun 26, 2023

"I settled on Catherine's 5 hour stay as usually I am a little nervous. I need to build some kind of connection to feel at ease. From the moment we met to the moment we parted company, Catherine’s only focus is how much pleasure she can provide. Immeasurable. Pre dinner snuggling followed an absolutely delicious meal in a great setting was the fabulous precursor to the sweet, sensual fare that followed in the room. Catherine’s ability to make you the centre of her universe is unparalleled compared to any previous dalliance I have indulged in. I actually feel quite blessed Catherine chose to spend time with me as, like her wine selection Catherine shared that her client list is carefully curated. I am attracted to intelligence and self-assurance of which she has in spades. Should you try to reserve time with Catherine and you are successful - one tip, ask her her "fun fact" - it's hilarious!"