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Jordan Quinn's Review

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Full review

Jordan Quinn is a Auckland Escort provider. Read the full review left by M, Wellington below.


M, Wellington

Sep 27, 2023

We. Had. So. Much. Fun. My partner and I decided to make a booking with Jordan and I am so glad we did - we had a fabulous time. Jordan is obviously beautiful and sexy, but she's also genuinely lovely to hang out with. We felt comfortable and ready to explore. As a bisexual woman, it was great for me to play with Jordan and also wildly sexy to watch her and my partner together. The logistics involved in keeping two people happy and fulfilled may be challenging, but I wouldn't know as she made it look so easy. We talked, we fucked, we laughed, we played, we kissed; we had a ball and I can't wait to do it all over again very soon. ;)