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Hunter Eve's Review

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Full review

Hunter Eve is a Sydney Escort provider. Read the full review left by Clive below.



Feb 25, 2024

Last summer, desperate for adventure after rarely traveling internationally since COVID came along and derailed all of our lives, I booked a trip to Australia. A couple of days prior to my arrival, I contacted Hunter to schedule a two-hour session with her in an effort to add an extra splash of adventure to my Australia trip. There are so many gorgeous companions in Australia but for me Hunter was an easy choice — I was so struck by the writings on her website, blog and Twitter. Her voice just resonated with me. She struck me as fun, funny, curious, and adventurous while also being a genuinely kind, compassionate, and soulful woman. I was, frankly, mildly fascinated by her. Oh, and have you seen her butt? It’s pretty great! Fast forward to the moment I first laid eyes on her when she arrived at my hotel and my immediate thought was something along the lines of “holy shit!” She looks exactly as she does in her photos — perhaps an even more striking presence in person — and her personality was as vibrant as my intuition led to me to believe it would be. We had such amazing chemistry right out of the gate and had a grand time talking, laughing, and playing together that our two hours flew by like it was nothing and I couldn’t stand the thought of her leaving, so I asked if she’d accompany me for dinner and spend the rest of the night with me. Thankfully, she said yes and we had an even greater time out on the town together, returning to my hotel later for more talking, laughing and playing. It was all so good and so intoxicating I wanted more, so I asked her if she would spend the next day with me as well — thankfully, again, she said yes and spent the next day being the best personal Sydney tour guide I could have ever asked for. She took me to amazing record stores, museums, book stores, restaurants, bars, markets, coffee shops, you name it. And then that night we went back to my hotel and we talked and laughed and played together even more. It was all such a delightful whirlwind. I spent more than 10x what I was planning to spend on a date with her but it was worth every penny and don’t regret a thing. Sometimes in life you have to recognize when you’re experiencing something special and just go all in on it. Do it for the story. Do it for the memories. In the months that have passed since my whirlwind weekend with Hunter, there hasn’t been a day that’s passed where I haven’t thought about her and ended up with a big, stupid smile on my face and a warm feeling washing over me completely. I swear I could live to be 101 and still never forget that weekend with her. She’s a thoroughly captivating woman with an infinitely curious and beautiful mind, a world class conversationalist who also happens to be funny as hell, an adventurous spirit with mischievous streak, and oh yeah she has a body that’s nothing less than a living work of art. If you’re thinking of booking her, just do it. You can thank me later.