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Announcement from Emelia Lopez

View Emelia Lopez's profile

Jun 11, 2024

Hi sweeties,

It's a big week this week, I'm finishing up my final paper for the semester before a very luxurious break of one month (!) where I might just take off up north for a moment of respite from the cold. I've also been working very hard on a rebrand (which will be first on the agenda after uni is done!), and I'm SO excited to share what I've been working on with you.

Anyway, as I've got a lot going on at the moment I'm going to keep this short and sweet. This week I've got very limited capacity for dates; I'm available only on Wednesday and at this stage have room for one more short booking (one hour only). Interested? Shoot me a text message 0411857704 asap to book in. Let's get cosy!

Emelia xox