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Candice Kane's Review

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Candice Kane is a Sydney Escort provider. Read the full review left by Alex below.



Jul 03, 2023

The Art of the Possible In a world where instant gratification and self entitlement is king, it’s wonderful to meet and connect with someone that values a shared experience, creating our own little world for a special moment in time. This is Candice. I’d been following her on Twitter for some time, and even subscribed to her OF page to see what all the fuss was about. This can’t be real… After what felt like an eternity I finally reached out and connected with her, organising a long lunch booking. You see, I don’t go for the short bookings (nothing wrong with that though!). I’m in a position where I can be selective of my time investment and I value the slower, getting to know you build up of a longer date to see if we connect. “Mental foreplay” if you like. That’s 90% of the experience right there. If we sync and connect then everything that follows is 1000x better, in my view. That first lunch date proved to be the case. Candice is gorgeous, there is no doubt about that. When she walked over to my table you can tell all eyes are on her. She is immaculately elegant, but it’s not fake. I got the sense that she was oblivious to all the “looks” as she was just being her. As we got to know each other this was reinforced. She has girl next door appeal when she is with you, wrapped up in her beauty. We chatted on multiple subjects, laughed (she loves a Dad joke #justsaying) and shared life experiences as our connection grew. I quickly knew and answered my own question - this is very real. To say that first date was amazing is an understatement. When it ended I knew I needed more and soon booked another even longer day date. I’m writing this post seeing her for the 2nd whole day date. Our connectedness has grown further still and I’ve already planned our 3rd long date. I haven’t talked about the sex. I won’t. That is something between her and I, and if you see her it will be between you and her. Of course it’s spectacular, but each experience is different so me telling you my experience won’t mean anything to you. You will have an amazing time. You can of course spend way much less time with her than I have. It will be phenomenal. But you’re barely scratching the surface of who Candice is. If you can, invest the time and effort and get to know her. Everything else will fall into place and your experience will be exponentially better. So, in summary: - A stunningly beautiful woman that will make others jealous when she is with you - She is mature, thoughtful and very generous. She will make you feel super special - An amazing companion to spend time with, get to know, and share memorable experiences with. - Cheeky & sexy all without trying. Candice is the Art of the Possible.