What makes a date pitch perfect? How can you be the host with the most? So many questions right? Luckily, Edie Lau has some answers.
I was inspired to write this blog post after seeing a tweet by @GiveTessLove. Tweet highlighted below!
Do you have any tips for a memorable overnight date? [martini emote]
@GiveTessLove Link to Tweet: https://twitter.com/GiveTessLove/status/1746380383325934042
Of particular note, there’s been a lot of classism swirling around, that has made me hesitant to post about ‘what makes an overnight booking memorable’ – because in all honesty, over the whole course of my work-life in the intimacy-provision department: my favourite people I’ve met have been in video calls for 15 min, long and short cam shows with groups of people I’ll never meet, short half hour bookings in person, light-hearted short lunch trysts – all the way up to multi-night and weekend stays.
Time does not discriminate.
I’m often asked by friends, lovers and peers whether I enjoy longer dates. In truth, it depends with who. I enjoy long dates with people I click with and whom respect me. In fact, I prioritise these dates, as they bring me joy, laughter and I feel like I can be my real self and relax.
Being ever versatile, I enjoy all dates at all lengths!
Length doesn’t matter (haha) but longer is just more enjoyable to me and allows me the time to get to know you.
The opportunity to get to know someone better, especially if we get along is simply –chef’s kiss-.
I love getting to know your favourite movies, memes, conspiracy theories, PC Build, podcasts and yes my favourite: culinary delights in and out of the bedroom.
How can I make sure you’re comfortable and at ease?
Ask ask and ask!
Being physically close to someone requires amazing communication and this takes practice. I think this especially applies to overnight stays.
Great communication is something I pride myself on and now recognise in other people as a turn-on. I find check-ins to be severely underrated and I think these questions are helpful:
’Would you feel more comfortable in a separate suite?’
’Are you comfortable with sharing a bed?’
’Are you ok with me smoking inside?’
’Do you need a blanket or an extra sheet?’
’Would you like to be touched right now?’
’Does that feel good?’
’Is _ making you uncomfortable?’
Use your words!
What should I plan for?
Date ideas aside, I think planning for your date to be comfy is a great goal for overnight dates.
If you were having a guest stay over, how would you want them to feel?
- You might start with getting extra towels/pillows for the space you will be enjoying.
- Get to know how the thermostat works to adjust to the best temperature – (if it’s a hotel room you haven’t stayed in)
- If we are talking multi-hour dates that go into the wee-hours: bringing snacks to enjoy is an amazing idea* and if there’s a level of trust and familiarity, putting together an easy snack such as charcuterie board is so much fun!
* Check your companion’s dietary requirements and comfort-level with preparing food together – this just happens to be what I enjoy but some people might find this to be not their vibe at all.
I’ll never forget one of my sweethearts gifting me a box of my favourite tea during a luxurious tryst and remembering I prefer plant based milk – this small detail meant the world!
I’ve mentioned a few ideas here that someone can work with if they are playing host but there’s a lot of things you can do to set the scene for an incredible overnight date.
Take a look at your crush’s wishlist, ads and social media to get a vibe of what they like – whether their personality/passions encompass gaming, sports, film or theatre, all these passions will sparkgreat ideas that will help you plan your date to make it one you both won’t forget!
What if unexpected things happen?
Unexpected things happen all the time. Traffic, delays, room not ready, list goes on!
Take it in your stride and communicate + coordinate respectfully.
Regardless of the date length, your expectations and all the thoughts swimming in your head, your prospective date might be just as nervous.
I recommend rolling with the punches, focusing on the present and planning ahead with your date’s comfort in mind.
Everyone is different, so too will their expectations, needs and comfort during an overnight.
Communicate with the person you’re spending extended time with.
Ask them what their boundaries are.
Check in every step of the way.
Oh yeah and extra towels always always always. 😉
This original content has been slightly adapted from the blog-post @ https://www.edielau.com/edie-laus-blog